
sell drugs on darknet using drops
Last updated : September 20, 2024

How To Sell Drugs On Darknet Using Dead Drops?


Selling drugs on darknet using dead drops is a great way to boost trade. If done right, dead dropping exceeds mail delivery in terms of speed, reliability and safety. In this guide, we’re answering the most frequently asked questions about hiding stashes.




Where To Store Drugs?


The main rule every dead dropper must follow is never ever to keep dope at home. In case you get caught in the street, policemen will surely search your residence. If they find controlled substances, you will be accused of drug possession with intent to supply. To avoid extra troubles, hide narcotics in a safe place. For example, you can rent a garage or a repository for stockpiling stuff.


Dead Drops Packing Tips


A package should be tight and waterproof. Firstly, put drugs in a double zip-lock, and then wrap it with electrical tape. If you plan to attach a stash to some metal object (for example, a downpipe or a fuse box), take a flat neodymium magnet and put it under the last layer of electrical tape for better contact with a surface. The heavier dead drop is– the bigger magnet you need. Always wear gloves not to leave fingerprints.



Required Equipment


A dead dropper should have two phones – personal and working. The second gadget must always be in flight mode and kept separate from drugs. Don’t forget to delete photos, addresses and descriptions of planted stashes regularly. If you have an iPhone, enable erase data option after ten incorrect PIN code inputs.


Safety Measures


Take the following bits of advice to mitigate risks:

  • Don’t plant stashes in front of CCTV cameras and DVRs in parked cars;
  • Behave naturally while hiding a dead drop;
  • Don’t use flash photography after dark;
  • Work in different districts and streets;
  • Don’t hide stashes under windows or close to doors to avoid extra attention of the locals;
  • Do the job sober and calm, and self-confidence is the key to success;
  • Tell nobody about your occupation;
  • Bring some cash along to pay off police officers in case you get nabbed, for example, in Russia average bribe is $1000.


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How To Format Dead Drop Location


Sometimes buyers cannot find a stash. As a rule, it happens when a courier fails to make a clear description of a dead drop location. First of all, take a photo of a place where you’ve hidden a stash. Then mark the spot on the image and mini-map, fill in GPS coordinates and address.

The photo should look like this: