
Exodus in linux
Last updated : February 17, 2025

How To Set Up And Install Exodus In Linux Operating System?


Cleaning your coins or exchanging is a significant concern for most people involved in illicit activities, as most exchanges require KYC or Know Your Customer. Therefore, the dark web drug vendors and cybercriminals have to rely on expensive mixers and exchanges with patience because getting funds could take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. Such services can not only be expensive but also take a lot of time. Today, I’ll be giving you the best solution to save you a lot of time and high charges simultaneously – ExodusExodus is the fastest & cheap way to exchange coins.




What Is Exodus & How Is It Beneficial?


Exodus is a wallet with a built-in exchange without KYC, supporting over 100 coins, including Bitcoin (BTC) & Monero (XMR), which is basically our centre of the spotlight. The exchange fees for BTC to Monero conversion is around 5%. However, the percentage fluctuates with bitcoin’s price movement, and the fees also vary per coin. 

All exchanges take around 30 mins to 1 and a half hours. Usually, Exodus takes no less than 40 mins. Exodus supports multiple platforms, of which one is Linux. So today, we’ll learn how to set it up. Keep in mind that you can use Exodus via Tor. The only difference would be that the synchronization of Monero will be a bit slower.


How To Set Up An Exodus Wallet In Linux?


Let’s start with choosing a good proxy. My favorite is Anonsurf, a tool that anonymizes all of your traffic via Tor. It is originally a part of Parrot OS.

Now, follow the steps accordingly as mentioned below:


1. Download it from this link

2. Open the terminal, type cd Downloads (the folder you chose as the destination for your download. For this example, we’ll assume that Downloads is our destination directory).

3. ls (this command lists out all the files in the folder/directory you’re in).

4. cd kali-anonsurf 

5. sudo ./ (This script needs to be run as root, it’ll automatically install all the dependencies you need to run it as well as anonsurf).

6. After installation is completed, type ‘anonsurf’. You’ll be shown options such as ‘start, stop, restart, status etc.’

7. Run ‘anonsurf start’.

8. Confirm your connection with ‘anonsurf status’.


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How To Install Exodus?


If all is done without facing any errors, we’re ready for our final step, installing Exodus.


1. Go to this link and download the .deb version.

2. Open the terminal, type cd Downloads (The folder you chose as the destination for your download. For this instance, we’ll assume that Downloads is our destination directory).

3. ls (this command lists all files in the folder/directory you’re in).

4. sudo dpkg -i exodus_21.3.12_amd64.deb (dpkg will unpack and install Exodus).

5. You can now find Exodus in your applications list.


Suppose you followed all the steps, congratulations! You can now happily exchange coins and get your fresh BTC within an hour. You can now exchange any amount of Bitcoin to Monero or Monero to Bitcoin, as well as other coins.

Happy Exchanging!



Must Read:


Published at : 10/10/2022

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