
How To Make LSD In 3 Simple And Easy Ways
Last updated : October 22, 2024

How To Make LSD In 3 Simple And Easy Ways


The psychoactive effects of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) were first discovered by accident in 1943, when Swiss pharmacist Albert Hoffman was experimenting with new drugs. While the therapeutic potential of LSD was studied in the 1950’s and early 60’s for problems such as alcoholism, this was quickly overshadowed by the increasingly negative perception of LSD as a drug of abuse, which was widely accepted by counterculture at the time.

Today, LSD is listed as Schedule I, a controlled substance, meaning it has no currently approved therapeutic use and has a high potential for abuse.

In this article, I will uncover the three best methods to make LSD. If you have been looking for how to make LSD, this guide is the one you really want.




What Is LSD?


LSD (short for short for hallucinogenic duloxetine) is a synthetic drug made from ergot fungus. It has been used since the 1960s to produce hallucinogenic effects. When taken in large doses, LSD causes hallucinations and delusions, as well as visual hallucinations. It also distorts time and identity.

LSD is produced as tablets or blotters and can be dissolved in water or alcohol. Traditionally, LSD was known as acid. More recently, it has been referred to as LSD tabs, LSD microdots, or windowpane.


How To Make LSD: The Preparatory Arrangements


There are a variety of ways in which you can make LSD. You can even make LSD at home. Just research “how to make LSD at home” and you will be stunned.

However, here are the easiest ways in which you can make LSD with the same preparatory arrangements. Thus, I will separately talk about the preparatory arrangements first and then take you through the procedures one by one. 

Sit back peacefully, as I will also discuss the talk about the LSD purification.


The Arrangements


The starting material can be lysergic acid derivatives, rye grain ergot, culture, or synthetic sources.

Preparing lysergic acid is not necessary for Preparations #1, #2, and #3. Preparations #1 and #3 must only use lysergic acid, prepared from the following amides:

  • 10 g Lysergic acid amides from various natural sources are dissolved in 200ml of methanolic KOH solution and the methanol is immediately removed in vacuum. The residue is then treated with 200ml of 8% KOH aqueous solution and heated in a steam bath for 1 hour. During heating, a stream of nitrogen gas passes through the flask. The evolved NH3 gas can be titrated to HCL to monitor the reaction.
  • The alkaline solution is neutralized to congo red by tartaric acid; filtered, purified by ether extraction; the aqueous solution is filtered and evaporated; digested with MeOH to extract some of the coloured matter from the lysergic acid crystals.
  • Lighting in the lab should be similar to the lighting in a dark laboratory. Use photo red and photo yellow safety lights. Lysergic acid derivative is broken down when exposed to light.
  • Wear rubber gloves. Erythealoids are highly toxic. To speed up evaporation steps, use a hair dryer or, better yet, flash evaporator.



Preparing LSD: Method 1


This is a two step procedure. Let’s begin!


Step 1: Using The Yellow Light


  • In a small round bottom flask, add one volume of powder ergot alginate and two volumes of anhydrous hydrazine. 
  • In an alternative method, a sealed tube is used to heat the reagents at 112°C for 30 minutes before refluxing (or heating) the mixture. 
  • Add 1.5 volumes of hydroxyl hydroxide and boil for 15 minutes. 
  • After cooling in the refrigerator, the anhydrous hydroxy hydrazide crystallizes.


Step 2: Using The Red Light


  • Keep all reagents at room temperature and have ice readily available.
  • Quickly dissolve 2.82 g of hydrazine in 100 ml of 0.1 N  ice-cold  HCL using an ice bath to maintain the reaction vessel at room temperature.
  • Add 100 ml of ice-cold  NaNO2.
  • After 2 to 3 minutes of vigorous stirring, add 130 ml of  dropwise HCL.
  • Again vigorous stirring in the ice bath.
  • After 5 minutes neutralize NaHCO3 saturated and extract with ether.
  • Remove the aqueous solution and try to dissolve gummy substance in ether.
  • Adjust 3 gm of diethylamine per 300 ml ether extract.
  • Let it stand in the dark and gradually warm up to 20°C for 24 hours.
  • Ether extract is evaporated in vacuum and treat as indicated in purification section for conversion of iso-lyserg.


Preparing LSD: Method 2


This is also a two step LSD making procedure involving just the yellow light unlike the first method.


Step 1: Using The Yellow Light


  • 5.36 gm d-lysergic acid is suspended in 125 ml acetonitrile, and cooled to approximately -20°C in a bath of acetone, cooled with dry ice, and added to the suspension.
  • 8.82 gm trifluoroacetic anhydride is added to the suspension, also cooled to approximately (-20°C).
  • The solvent is evaporated in vacuo at temperatures below 0°C, and the solvent is dissolved in the solvent.
  • The mixture is left to stand at about -20°C for approximately 1.5 hours, during which the suspended material breaks down.
  • All components must be kept anhydrous. The lysergic acid anhydride is converted into a mixed anhydride.
  • You can separate the lysergic anhydride into an oil by evaporation.


Step 2: Using The Yellow Light


  • Add the anhydride mixture from Step I to 150 ml + Acetonitrile + Diethylamine (7.6 g). 
  • Hold in the dark for approximately 2 hours at room temperature. 
  • Evaporate Acetonitrile in vacuums. Discard LSD-25 + impurities. 
  • Dissolve Acetonitrile with 150 ml of Chloroform + 20 ml of Ice Water. 
  • Remove Chloroform Layer. 
  • Extract Acetonitrile Layer with Chloroform.
  • Combine Chloroform portions. 
  • Wash Chloroform in 50 ml of ice cold water. 
  • Dry Chloroform solution with anhydrous Na2SO4. 
  • Evaporate in vacuums.




Preparing LSD: Method 3


This method yields good yields and is very rapid with low formation of iso-lysergic acid (its effects are slightly uncomfortable). However, the exact stoichiometry must be followed or the yields will decrease.


Step 1: Using The White Light


  • Anhydrous sulfur trioxide is formed in the anhydrous phase by the careful breakdown of ferric anhydrous sulfate at an anhydrous temperature of approximately 480°C. 
  • Anhydrous storage is recommended.


Step 2: Using The White Light


  • An ice bath, a dropping funnel and a mechanical stirrer are installed in a carefully dried 22 liter RB flask. The condenser and dropping funnel are protected from atmospheric moisture.
  • 10 to 11 liters of dimethyltryptamine (which has been freshly distilled at reduced pressure) are added to the flask.
  • 2 lb of Sulfan B (Sulphur Trioxide) is then dropwise added very cautiously.
  • 4 to 5 hours are spent at room temperature during the addition.
  • The mixture is kept at room temperature (0-5 °C) for the entire addition time.
  • 1-2 hours are then spent stirring the mixture until a crystalline, crystalline sulfur trioxide dimethyl tryptanol-dimethyl tryptanol complex is formed.
  • Transfer the reagent to an air-tight automatic pipette (for convenient dispensing) and keep in the cold for 3 to 4 months in cold storage.
  • Even though the colour of the reagent is colorless (from yellow to red), its efficiency remains unaffected.
  • Aliquots are dissolved in water.
  • Standard NaOH is titrated with the phenolphthalein endpoint.


Step 3: Using The Red Light




  • 7.15 g D-Lysergic Acid MonoHydrate, 25 mmol
  • 1.06 g Lithium Hydroxide HCL, 25 mmol
  • 200 ml MeOH




  • In the steam bath, the solvent is distilled under reduced pressure.
  • Glass-like Lithium Lysergate Residue is Dissolved in 400 ml Anhydrous Dimethylformamide.
  • About 200 ml DimethylFormamide is Dissolved at 15 ml Pressure via 12 inch Helices Packed Column.
  • The remaining anhydrous lysergate solution is then cooled to 0°C, and, with stirring, treated quickly with 500 ml SO3- DMF solution (1,00 molar). 
  • Stir the mixture for 10 minutes, then add 9.14 gm diethylamine. 
  • Stir for 10 more minutes, then add 400 ml of water to break down the reaction complex. 
  • Stir for another 10 minutes, then 200 ml of saturated, aqueous salt solution is added.
  • The amide product is extracted by repeated extraction with 500 ml of ethylene dichloride.
  • The extract is dried and concentrated to a syrup under reduced pressure (do not heat up syrup during concentration). 
  • The LSD may crystallize, but the crystals and the mother liquor can be chromatographed as per the purification instructions.




LSD Purification


The material that is obtained from any of the above three preparations can contain lysergic acids as well as isoenzymes.

Preparement #1 contains most of the isoenzymes (i.e., isoenzymes) and needs to be converted before separation.

For this preparation, see Step II first.


Step 1: Using A Darkroom And Then Applying A Long Wave UV Light


  • Material is dissolved in 3:1: benzene: chloroform mixture.
  • Packet the chromatographic column with a slurry (basic alumina) in benzene to make a 6 inch long 1 inch column.
  • Drain the solvent into the top of the alumina column.
  • Carefully add 50 ml solvent and 1 gm LSD to the solvent solution.
  • Run the solvent through the column following the fast-moving fluorescent band.
  • Collect the remaining material and wash with MeOH to remove it from the column.
  • Use the UV light very sparingly to prevent excessive oxidation of the compounds.
  • Eliminate the second fraction by evaporating it in vacuo.
  • Set aside for Step II.
  • The fraction containing pure LSD concentrates in vacuums and the syrup crystallizes slowly.
  • The material may be converted into tartrate (Tartaric acid).
  • The LSD tartrate is conveniently crystallized (MP 190-196 °C).


Step 2: Using The Red Light


  • The residue from the column’s methanol stripping should be dissolved in a minimum of alcohol. 
  • Add twice the volume of 4N alcoholic KOH solution to the column and allow it to sit at room temperature for several hours. 
  • Neutralize with dilute hydrochloric acid (HCL), make a slightly basic solution with NH4OH, and extract using chloroform or ethylene dichloride (as in preparations #1 and #2).
  • Evaporate in vacuum and chromatograph, as in the previous step.



Bottom Line


 Although the LSD production process may seem easy, it is important to note that this drug is highly illegal and can have serious consequences. The potential for abuse and lack of approved therapeutic use have led to LSD being listed as a Schedule I controlled substance. The three methods mentioned in this article are for informational purposes only and should not be attempted. It is important to educate ourselves about the dangers of drug use after buying LSD from the darknet markets and seek professional help if we are struggling with substance abuse. Let's work towards a safer and healthier future for ourselves and our communities.


Published at : 05/01/2024

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