
Amphetamine Extraction From Caffeine: Simple And Efficient Method
Last updated : October 24, 2024

Amphetamine Extraction From Caffeine: Simple And Efficient Method


Unlock the secrets of Amphetamine extraction from caffeine with this efficient method. Discover a simple process that yields impressive results.


Looking for a simple and efficient method to extract amphetamine from caffeine? Look no further! In this groundbreaking article, we unveil a revolutionary technique that will leave you astounded. With our active and engaging approach, we break down the barriers of complexity, providing you with an easy-to-follow step-by-step process. Say goodbye to traditional extraction methods that are time-consuming and laborious – our innovative solution is here to revolutionize your experience. So buckle up, as we dive into the world of amphetamine extraction from caffeine like never before!




Easy Step-by-Step Process Of Amphetamine Extraction From Caffeine


Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of chemistry? In this segment, we will take you on a thrilling journey through the easy step-by-step process of amphetamine extraction from caffeine. With our active and engaging approach, even those with limited knowledge in chemistry can follow along and discover how to extract amphetamine in just a few simple steps. So put on your lab coat, and let's begin this exciting experiment!


Equipment Required


  • AeroPress - preferably with a stainless steel filter disc but paper filter is fine.
  • Borosilicate container - a regular 500ml Pyrex jug will do.
  • Distilled water - tap water is probably fine but solubility characteristics will be affected.
  • Frying pan or pot.
  • Scales to measure weight with at least 0.1g accuracy.


Procedure / Method (Step-by-Step Guide)


Before we get into the actual method of amphetamine extraction from caffeine, here are some pre-procedural steps and information that you must know.

Amphetamine salts, usually sulfate, dissolve easily in water. One gram of amphetamine salts can dissolve in about 10 milliliters of water at 20°C. Caffeine, on the other hand, is not as soluble in water. Only 0.2 grams of caffeine can dissolve in 10 milliliters of cold water. However, if the water is heated to 90°C, it can hold about 5 grams of caffeine per 10 milliliters.

We will use the difference in solubility to make a hot solution with too much caffeine. When we cool it down, the caffeine crystals will separate while the amphetamine salt stays in the solution. We can then filter them to separate them. We don't need to separate them perfectly, just remove most of the caffeine without losing any amphetamine.

You got your 28g of amphetamine sulfate. It was supposed to be pure, but who knows? Anyway, before anything else, you need to dry it. Spread it on a plate and heat your oven to 70-80°C. Put the plate in the oven for at least an hour. (Note 1)

Now that you have removed any remaining solvent, you can weigh it accurately.

You have 20 grams of dry powder, say for instance. We assume it is 100% pure amphetamine drug. 1 gram of amphetamine dissolves in 10 milliliters of water. So, we calculate: 20 grams x 10 milliliters per gram = 200 milliliters. (Note 2)


Let's start now with Amphetamine extraction. Take your time. Hurrying might break the glass, spill something, or burn the product. Be cautious not to mess up the amphetamine sulfate extraction.


  1. Add 20g of dry powder and 200 ml of distilled water to a borosilicate jug.
  2. Add 1-2 inches of cold water to a pot or frying pan.
  3. Place the borosilicate jug into the frying pan in a semi submerged position. Be careful and do not mess it up.
  4. Gently heat the water in the pot until it boils, indirectly heating the distilled water and powder mixture.
  5. Keep heating and stirring until all the powder is dissolved.
  6. You can filter any insoluble remnants through the AeroPress. Make sure to clean and replace the filter for the next steps.
  7. Remove the cap from the AeroPress and insert the plunger about 1 inch.
  8. Turn the AeroPress upside down and pour the solution into it.
  9. Pour the hot solution into the AeroPress, being careful not to mess it up.
  10. Screw the filter cap back on with the metal paper filter.
  11. Place the upside-down AeroPress somewhere safe. Be careful and do not mess it up.
  12.  Cool the content for 3-4 hours. (Note 3)


Once it is cooled down to the temperature of the room, caffeine will start to break up from this supersaturated solution. This is absolutely amazing. The caffeine crystals create hairy, cotton-like nucleation sites which appear like dandelions. Be patient as precipitation can take time. When it begins, give at least a couple of hours (1-2) to finish. We then need to remove the amphetamine-based solution of the large, hairy mass of caffeine.


  1.  Empty back the AeroPress into the Pyrex jug by squeezing the plunger.
  2.  Amphetamine solution will probably appear slightly yellow and have a distinctive smell.
  3.  You can now wash the last few drops of solution out of the lump of caffeine.
  4.  Remove the plunger and pour another 20 ml distilled water onto the caffeine.
  5.  Again squeeze out the plunger, emptying the last few drops into the Pyrex jug.
  6.  Transfer the caffeine puck from the AeroPress into a deep bowl.
  7.  Place the jug of amphetamine water and the bowl of caffeine into the oven, pre-heat to 100°C or even 110°C.


Check the oven every hour. The water slowly evaporates, leaving the purer amphetamine. However, the caffeine dries out hours earlier, which gives you the chance to measure the amount. From this measurement, the expected amphetamine yield can be calculated and a reasonably accurate estimate of the caffeine/amphetamine ratio can be obtained.

This process takes a little longer, but is much more effective than other techniques. For example, washing with acetone or DCM (or chloroform) will remove some of the caffeine, but not dissolving the amphetamine salts will always leave behind clumps of powder that hide the caffeine, and in any case more in the process, products tend to be lost.

There are other downsides to acetone, etc. washes as well. For example, multiple washes are required if you don’t know how much caffeine needs to be dissolved away. Another downside is the cost! Unless you distill and recover the solvent, you’re throwing it away. For example, if you have a 20g powder that’s 70% caffeine, you’ll need 14g of acetone. That’s about 700ml at 2g/100ml assuming you could get it all into a solution, which you can’t. Water is free and distilled water is very cheap.

Please note that I do not know anything about Chemistry. This method is based on my experiments on Amphetamine extraction. I messed around and came up with this method where amphetamine cold water extraction is not used. However, I may have misread the fundamental principles. I think this method can be called “fractional recrystallization”.

I'm assuming you've already figured out that your product has caffeine cut into it. If you're not sure, you can try using your unknown speed mix on a smaller scale - just dissolve 1g of powder in 10-15 ml of water and let it sit for a while to see the signature caffeine drip. Once you see what it looks like, I'm sure you'll know it's real. You should also taste it - caffeine is really bitter, while amphetamine tastes almost neutral.



Additional Notes


(Note 1): Your speed can withstand temperatures up to 120°C, unless it’s been cut with something toxic, but the more time you spend on it, the more it’ll stain. Heat also causes your powder to sublimate slowly (i.e. evaporate), so don’t get carried away playing games for eight hours.

(Note 2): Since we don’t know the amphetamine-caffeine ratio yet, we’ll use an excess amount of water, which means we’ll still have some amphetamine yield left over. But let’s say we know the ratio is 50/50. That’s 10g amphetamine for every 10 ml of water. (10g + 10ml / g = 100ml).

(Note 3): I don't think it's a good idea to cool down for this step below 20°C to 25°C. That's because the scientific literature has different and even conflicting numbers for how much amphetamines sulfate can be dissolved in water at 20°C to 25°C. Some say it's 8.8 ml/g, some say it's 20 ml/g, and some say it's 10-20 ml/g. 


It's hard to fathom why there's such a big difference for a chemical that's been studied for a long time in the most popular solvent on Earth. Maybe it's something to do with the isomeric nature of the chemical? Maybe D-amphetamines are 20 ml/g and racemic are 10 ml/g? It's hard to say, but I'm probably on lots of government lists right now trying to figure it out.

We hope this information on Amphetamine extraction from caffeine is sufficient. We wish you the best of luck and caution to ensure that you do not cause any damage while carrying out the amphetamine extraction process.


Published at : 17/08/2023

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