
What Are The Top 3 Ways For The Drug Rubbing Procedure In Drug Smuggling?
Last updated : October 23, 2024

What Are The Top 3 Ways For The Drug Rubbing Procedure In Drug Smuggling?


Explore the covert world of drug smuggling through the Drug Rubbing Procedure. Discover how rubbing bags with alcohol, turpentine, or a unique mix can outsmart authorities.


When it comes to drug smuggling, people have come up with some tricky ways to hide illegal substances. One method that's gained attention is the drug rubbing procedure. In this article, we'll dive into what the drug rubbing procedure is all about and explore the top three ways people use it for smuggling drugs. Let's find out more!



Method 1: Rubbing Bag with Alcohol 


When smugglers use the alcohol rubbing method, they aim to eliminate any potential traces that might arouse suspicion. Alcohol, being a solvent, can dissolve substances and scents that might hint at the presence of drugs. The process involves dampening a cloth or sponge with alcohol and then rubbing it over the bag's surface. The idea is to remove any incriminating marks, stains, or odors that could lead to detection.


Step-by-Step Procedure


  1. Preparation: Before starting the drug rubbing procedure, gather all necessary materials including a small bottle of rubbing alcohol (at least 70% concentration) and a clean cloth or cotton swab.
  2. Isolate the Substance: Find a private and controlled environment where you can carry out the process discreetly. Ensure there are no surveillance cameras or prying eyes around.
  3. Open the Package: Carefully open the drug package without damaging its contents. Be cautious to avoid leaving any evidence of tampering, as this could raise suspicion during transit.
  4. Pour Alcohol onto Cloth: Take a small amount of rubbing alcohol on your chosen cloth or cotton swab. Make sure it is damp but not dripping wet to prevent any damage to the drugs.
  5. Gently Rub Surface: Begin by softly rubbing the exterior surface of each drug packet or item with alcohol-drenched cloth or cotton swab. Apply slight pressure to ensure adequate sanitization while avoiding rupturing any packaging material.
  6. Pay Attention to Details: Thoroughly cover every visible area of each package, focusing on corners, seams, and edges that might potentially contain traces of drugs or fingerprints.
  7. Handle with Care: Throughout the process, handle both alcohol-soaked materials and drug packages delicately, minimizing any chances of contamination or retrieval by law enforcement authorities.
  8. Allow Drying Time: Once you have finished rubbing each individual packet, allow them sufficient time to air dry completely before repackaging them. This helps eliminate any noticeable odors associated with alcohol that may arouse suspicion.
  9. Repackage Securely: Use appropriate packaging techniques to reseal the drug packets without leaving any signs of tampering. Pay attention to every detail ensuring consistent appearance when compared to its original condition.



Method 2: Rubbing Bag with Turpentine 


Turpentine, a strong-smelling solvent commonly used in art and cleaning, is another method for drug smuggling. In this approach, smugglers apply a small amount of turpentine to a cloth or sponge and then gently rub it onto the bag. The pungent odor of turpentine is believed to mask the scent of drugs, making it harder for drug-sniffing dogs or machines to detect illicit substances.


Step-by-Step Procedure


1. Preparing the Turpentine Solution


To begin the drug smuggling process, you will need to prepare a solution of turpentine. Turpentine acts as a powerful solvent that aids in dissolving the drugs and allowing them to be easily absorbed into package material. Start by obtaining a clean container and pouring an ample amount of turpentine into it.


2. Choosing the Appropriate Packaging Material


Next, carefully select the packaging material for your drug package. It should be absorbent enough to allow the drugs to penetrate through while remaining undetectable during inspection. Common materials include cloth, paper, or even porous plastic.


3. Applying the Turpentine Solution


Now, take a small brush or sponge and dip it into the prepared turpentine solution. Gently rub the bristles or sponge against the chosen packaging material in a back-and-forth motion. Ensure that you cover every inch of surface area evenly to maximize drug absorption.


4. Repeating the Rubbing Process


For increased effectiveness, repeat Step 3 several times, allowing each coat of turpentine to dry before applying another layer. This method ensures thorough saturation of the package material and enhances its ability to conceal illicit substances.


5. Allowing Time for Drying


After completing multiple rounds of rubbing with turpentine, let the drug-laden packages air dry completely. This step is crucial as any residual moisture could attract unwanted attention during transportation and potentially compromise your smuggling operation.


6. Maintaining Discretion During Package Preparation


During this entire process, exercise utmost caution and discreteness. Perform these steps in a private setting, following proper OpSec where prying eyes cannot observe suspicious activities associated with drug smuggling. Avoid contact with anyone who may jeopardize your plan or pose a risk to your personal safety.


7. Proceeding with Caution


Once your drug packages have thoroughly dried, exercise extreme caution when handling them.



Method 3: Rubbing Bag with Alcohol and Baking Soda 


Combining alcohol and baking soda creates a paste-like mixture that's effective at neutralizing odors. Smugglers mix alcohol and baking soda to form a thick consistency, which they then rub onto the bag's surface. Baking soda is known for its odor-absorbing properties, and when combined with alcohol, it creates a double-action effect. The alcohol works to dissolve any potential drug residue, while the baking soda helps absorb any remaining odors, making the bag less conspicuous.


Step-by-Step Procedure


  1. Gather all your materials. You will need an alcohol solution, baking soda, a small brush or cloth, and the drug packages you wish to conceal.
  2. Start by carefully removing the drugs from their original packaging. Ensure you handle them with clean gloves to avoid leaving any fingerprints behind.
  3. Pour a small amount of baking soda onto a clean surface like a plate or tray. Take one drug package at a time and coat it lightly with the baking soda using the brush or cloth. The thin layer of baking soda will help neutralize any odors and make it more challenging for drug-sniffing dogs or detection devices to detect the illegal substances.
  4. Once all the packages have been coated with baking soda, pour some alcohol solution into a separate container. Dip the brush or cloth in the alcohol and gently rub each package, ensuring that every side is thoroughly cleaned. The alcohol helps eliminate any traces of substances that may be present on the packaging.
  5. After rubbing each package, allow them to air dry completely before proceeding to further steps. This step is crucial as it prevents residual moisture from raising suspicions during inspection.
  6. Once dried, repeat Step 4 to ensure maximum cleanliness of each package after drying off.
  7. Finally, carefully repackage the drugs, making sure they are securely sealed and hidden within another item or container suitable for smuggling purposes.



Key Takeaways

The drug rubbing procedure is a highly effective method used in drug smuggling. The drug rubbing procedure is just one example of how people try to outsmart authorities. By using techniques like rubbing bags with alcohol, turpentine, or a combination of alcohol and baking soda, smugglers hope to avoid detection and get their illegal substances through. Remember, though, that these methods are illegal and can have serious consequences. It's always better to stay on the right side of the law and avoid engaging in any illegal activities.


Published at : 22/08/2023

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