
Tripping Drugs: Which Combinations Create Powerful Experiences?
Last updated : October 22, 2024

Tripping Drugs: Which Combinations Create Powerful Experiences?


Discover the fascinating world of tripping drugs and their powerful combinations. Learn the secrets behind intense experiences and stay safe while exploring altered states of mind. This guide unveils the exciting and life-changing potential of drugs that make you trip, from psychedelics to hallucinogens.


In the realm of altered states, combining different tripping drugs has intrigued and fascinated adventurous souls. However, delving into these combinations requires knowledge, caution, and a deep understanding of the substances involved. 

There are a lot of stories all over Reddit on how the combination could cause you to feel. If you mix two or more different drugs it is known as "flipping" or "flip." There's plenty of discussion about whether the sequence of the drugs, and the length of time between taking them makes an impact. There are people who mix MDMA as well as ketamine, LSD shrooms, MDMA, and marijuana, along with other drugs and in all the ways you can think of.

Taking drugs alone can be intense. Combining drugs increases the risk of experiencing something uncomfortable. In the psychedelic community, it is advised to start with a low dose and take it slowly. This is especially important when flipping drugs. 

Join us on a journey through the world of tripping drug combinations, as we explore the potential for powerful experiences and the importance of responsible usage.




Merging Shrooms and Weed: A Sensory Journey


Among psychedelic users, combining cannabis and psilocybin-containing mushrooms is a highly favored poly-drug blend. During my investigation, I interviewed close to 90 individuals who engage in the simultaneous use of weed and psychedelics, and discovered that nearly half of them reported using mushrooms and cannabis together. Various motivations were shared by these individuals for incorporating cannabis into their mushroom trips, often resembling their general reasons for consuming cannabis, such as relaxation and alleviating potential nausea associated with the mushroom experience.

To amplify the psychedelic impact of psilocybin, particularly the visual effects whether eyes are open or closed, blending the two substances is another motive. Inquiring about Dr. Nikola Djordjevic, Medical Advisor at Loud Cloud Health, I learned that combining cannabis with psilocybin enhances sensory perception for numerous individuals.

When I combine weed with shrooms, the drugs trip tends to become stranger or more intense, if you will. I speculated that experienced psychonauts who regularly use cannabis might be better equipped to handle the combination, while those new to either substance should probably stick to one in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed and making their trip unnecessarily challenging. Although many of the individuals I surveyed (almost all of whom were regular cannabis users) agreed with my hypothesis, it wasn't as straightforward as I initially thought. 

Even daily cannabis consumers who occasionally dabble in psychedelics mentioned that they stopped mixing the two because they experienced heightened anxiety, particularly when smoking weed during the initial stages of a psychedelic experience.

Now let's consider another important factor: your position in your psychedelic journey or the timing can greatly impact the effects of adding cannabis. For instance, some individuals have reported that smoking weed shortly after consuming magic mushrooms helps to calm their minds and settle their stomachs. In fact, one person who participated in a survey shared with me that because cannabis reduces their inhibitions, they are able to ease into the psychedelic experience more smoothly, encountering less resistance from their ego. 

Since the key skill in navigating a trip is to relax and surrender control to the substance, or simply trust, let go, and remain open, it's possible that cannabis could serve as a beneficial companion.

People often report incorporating cannabis into their psychedelic experience after the peak and as the effects of mushrooms begin to fade. Around five or six hours into a mushroom trip, when the psychedelic journey is starting to wind down, consuming cannabis can effectively reignite the intensity of the trip. This is why many individuals use cannabis to prolong their trips, although not everyone encounters this outcome. Some participants in my survey shared that they use cannabis towards the end of their trips to gently reconnect with reality, find grounding, or facilitate sleep after such a stimulating journey.

Experiences with tripping drugs like cannabis and psychedelics vary greatly among individuals and can be influenced by factors such as one's context (set and setting), stress level, diet, and other chemical and biological elements.

  • Common effects: Amplifies the psychedelic experience or induces relaxation. 
  • Primary reasons: Alleviating nausea, reducing anxiety, enhancing and prolonging the trip, particularly for regular cannabis users. 
  • Risks: Heightened anxiety, especially for inexperienced individuals or those prone to cannabis-induced anxiety. 
  • Optimal consumption time: Varies, but commonly before the onset, after the peak, or towards the conclusion of the trip.


Tripping on LSD: Engaging in Smoking Weed


Considering combining marijuana with LSD or psilocybin? Both LSD and psilocybin are well-known psychedelics that offer similar experiences, and mixing them with cannabis yields comparable effects. Many individuals have reported that cannabis can enhance the visual and introspective aspects of an LSD trip, intensifying the overall experience. Djordjevic agrees with this notion, but points out that LSD provides a more controlled experience due to its chemical dosing and consistent effects. 

In comparison to psilocybin, LSD offers a more even distribution of effects over several hours, rather than intense spikes that may last only a few minutes. So, if you're thinking about tripping on drugs, keep in mind the potential effects of combining these substances.

Although it may be true, a significant number of participants in my survey still reported experiencing heightened anxiety when combining the two, leading some individuals, such as communications strategist for cannabis, Leland Radovanovic, to completely avoid mixing them. In recent years, Radovanovic has chosen to abstain from combining cannabis with psychedelics like acid or 2-cb, despite consuming cannabis on a daily basis, due to the potential for increased anxiety. However, he does occasionally use CBD flower, as it provides a similar anti-anxiety effect to Xanax.

Many individuals find pleasure in the heightened experiences that arise from combining LSD and cannabis, often describing it as transporting them to another realm or providing a euphoric and overwhelmingly positive sensation. Similar to psilocybin, some individuals find that cannabis can alleviate the nausea experienced during the initial stages of an LSD trip. In fact, certain individuals opt for CBD-dominant products for this purpose. 

On the other hand, some individuals do not experience intensified effects at all and find that adding cannabis to their trip brings a sense of calmness, particularly during challenging moments. Additionally, some individuals claim not to feel any effects of cannabis while on LSD, yet still incorporate it into their trip as part of a ritual rather than for any specific outcome.

Experienced users caution against offering the combination of substances to newcomers or friends who may experience increased anxiety from cannabis. This combination can heighten feelings of paranoia and dissociation, making it challenging to differentiate reality and think logically. When asked about the intensity of the trip, some individuals confirm it is indeed stronger, while others acknowledge that it is simply different. There are even accounts of cannabis negatively impacting an acid trip, highlighting the unique and complex nature of navigating this territory.

Mixing weed and acid can have varying effects depending on the dosage. While higher doses of LSD may be overwhelming, consuming micro to moderate doses can actually enhance the experience for individuals who are at ease with using cannabis.


Merging Marijuana and LSD


Mixing LSD and weed can intensify the trip, particularly the visuals. The most common reasons for smoking weed while on acid are to relieve nausea, reduce anxiety, prolong the experience, and enhance its intensity. However, combining these substances also carries risks such as increased anxiety, paranoia, and feeling overwhelmed, especially if you lack experience with either drug or if cannabis tends to make you anxious. 

Another potential risk is the development of HPPD (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder). When it comes to timing, popular moments to consume weed and acid together include right before or during the onset of the trip, after reaching the peak, and towards the end of the journey.


Combining MDMA and Weed for an Active and Engaging Tripping Experience


Even though it is not technically classified as a psychedelic, MDMA is known to have mind-revealing effects. This sparked my curiosity to explore how combining MDMA with cannabis affects individuals. Many users have reported similar reasons for mixing these substances, just as they do when combining cannabis with mushrooms or acid. They claim that cannabis can intensify the effects of MDMA. 

Some have mentioned an increase in euphoria, while others have shared that it enhances their visual experience, causing more pronounced tracers. Djordjevic suggests that this combination can enhance feelings of well-being and induce a deeply relaxed state that eliminates egotistical and jealous thoughts.

In addition, he claims that combining cannabis and MDMA poses less risk compared to mixing the club drug with alcohol. However, dehydration remains a significant concern for both combinations. The danger lies in the fact that individuals may forget to hydrate regularly when intoxicated with alcohol. Furthermore, alcohol itself contributes to dehydration. Hence, in my opinion, opting for cannabis as a companion to MDMA is a far superior choice.

When it comes to tripping drugs, it's crucial to mention that both cannabis and MDMA have the potential to raise your heart rate, particularly if you've consumed an ecstasy pill containing speed. This combination could pose a significant risk if you already have a pre-existing heart condition.

There is a reduced worry about this combination leading to a negative experience. However, there is still a chance of heightened anxiety, particularly if cannabis is consumed during the initial effects of MDMA or when feeling particularly overwhelmed.

Similar to other psychedelics, cannabis is commonly used towards the end of an MDMA experience, not necessarily to prolong the effects but rather to balance out the comedown. However, I strongly advise inexperienced users to refrain from attempting this until they have a thorough understanding of how each substance affects them individually.

  • Tripping drugs amplify the effects of MDMA.
  • Common reasons for consuming tripping drugs are to enhance experience, increase euphoria, and relieve anxiety.
  • Risks of tripping drugs include accelerated heart rate and dehydration.
  • It is recommended to consume tripping drugs when coming down from MDMA effects.


Is the Combination of Shrooms and Weed Just the Start of a Tripping Experience with Drugs?


There have been some intriguing advancements in the realm of combining shrooms and weed since the initial publication of this article. One particularly noteworthy development occurred in mid-January 2021 when the biotech startup, CaaMTech Inc., successfully obtained a patent for merging various cannabinoids with distinct chemicals present in magic mushrooms. As outlined in the patent application, this resulting compound, which may consist of THC, CBD, psilocybin, psilocin, and numerous other cannabinoids and mushroom derivatives, holds potential for treating psychological disorders.

The concept is that the compounds found in mushrooms and cannabinoids can collaborate and enhance each other's impact on the serotonin 2A receptors in the brain, leading to greater relief from psychological disorders such as depression. Those who have experimented with mixing cannabis and magic mushrooms can attest to the fact that the combined effect can result in a more intense experience with its own distinct qualities. However, it remains uncertain whether this combination will be more effective in providing psychedelic healing. 

Nevertheless, it is fascinating to observe the outcome of this research, and hopefully, it will pave the way for further studies regarding the safety of combining cannabis with other psychedelics like LSD, MDMA, and ketamine.


Smoking Weed While Tripping Can Lead to HPPD


Some experts we spoke to have suggested that combining cannabis and psychedelics could potentially raise the likelihood of developing Hallucinogen Perception Persisting Disorder (HPPD). HPPD is a condition characterized by persistent visual distortions, such as tracers and halos, as well as potential depersonalization following a psychedelic experience. It is estimated to affect between 0.12 and 4.2 percent of individuals who use psychedelics. 

It is important to note that while this information may sound alarming, the risk of HPPD appears to increase when multiple drugs, including cannabis, are mixed, and the frequency of psychedelic use may also play a role. However, it is worth mentioning that not everyone with HPPD finds its symptoms distressing; in fact, some individuals even find them enjoyable.

According to Dr. James Giordano, a neurology and biochemistry professor at Georgetown University Medical Center, individuals who are at risk of developing HPPD may not only be those who frequently use a combination of drugs or use them excessively. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to this condition. Giordano explains that many reports show that those affected often have a personal or family history of psychiatric and neurological disorders.


Final Thoughts


Now, let's focus on the final safety consideration: individuals who have previously experienced specific mental health disorders, particularly those involving psychotic or manic episodes, should exercise additional caution when it comes to using psychedelics. It may be advisable for them to steer clear of combining substances that could potentially heighten the risk of enduring any form of long-term adverse effects. For these individuals, one possible solution is to seek assistance from a professional guide, such as a retreat, clinical trial, underground therapist, or shaman.

To ensure your safety while indulging in psychedelics (or even cannabis), it is crucial to consume them separately, without any other substances. However, if you're intrigued by the idea of mixing them, make sure to carefully consider the information provided and approach any experimentation with proper caution and preparation.


Published at : 25/07/2023

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