
9 Best Anonymous Operating System (OS) For This Year
Last updated : July 27, 2024

9 Best Anonymous Operating System (OS) For This Year


Looking for an anonymous operating system? This list is tailor-made for you. Whether you prioritize anonymity or explore the dark web, these free and extensively tested operating systems have you covered. Ready to enhance your online security with an anonymous OS?




How To Choose?


  • Open Source: Choose an OS with open-source code for transparency.
  • Tor Routing: Prioritize systems routing traffic through TOR and use VPN for added security.
  • Live OS: Opt for installation-free systems for USB or disk use.
  • Amnesic: Select OS clearing logs and traces on shutdown for enhanced privacy.
  • Privacy Tools: Look for systems with pre-installed tools for encrypted browsing, communication, file-sharing, and metadata removal.


Top 9 Best Anonymous Operating Systems To Choose From


Below are the best anonymous operating systems you will ever find in a comprehensive list.




TAILS, short for "The Amnesic Incognito Live System," is an operating system that lives up to its name, delivering an incognito experience akin to the security associated with TOR. 

The TAILS anonymous operating system embodies a commitment to privacy, endorsed even by renowned figures like Edward Snowden. 

Explore its features and offerings for a secure and anonymous computing experience.



  • TOR Routing: TAILS automatically routes all activities through TOR, ensuring anonymity for your traffic and IP address.
  • Live OS: It operates as a live OS, enabling users to run it directly from a USB stick without system installation.
  • Amnesic Functionality: TAILS is designed to forget everything after each shutdown, erasing all traces of your activities and data and providing a robust privacy shield. 



  • Selective Persistence: While it offers optional persistent storage, this may limit the complete amnesic experience.


2. Whonix Website


Emerges is a formidable choice for those seeking an anonymous OS. Following TAILS, Whonix leverages Tor to cloak online activities, offering privacy akin to a ninja in the shadows. 

Whonix is a robust and secure solution for those prioritizing privacy and anonymity in an anonymous Operating System.



  • TOR Integration: Whonix, like TAILS, seamlessly integrates with Tor, automatically routing all online activities through this secure network without requiring additional user steps.
  • Live OS: Whonix allows users to run it directly from a USB stick as a live operating system, offering convenience and flexibility.
  • Separation through Virtualization: Whonix utilizes virtualization to segregate different activities and components, preventing leaks or compromises and enhancing privacy.



  • Complexity: Virtualization and advanced security measures may pose a learning curve for some users.


3. Parrot Security OS


The anonymous Operating System is renowned for catering to hackers, security specialists, and developers. Pre-loaded with 600+ tools, it offers a rich suite for communication, penetration testing, and browsing. 

Anonymous Operating System Download: Parrot Security OS Download.



  • Toolset: 600+ tools for diverse purposes.
  • User-Friendly: Balances simplicity and advanced functionality.
  • Forensic Tools: Includes specialized forensic tools.



  • Learning Curve: Advanced features may require familiarity with cybersecurity concepts.
  • Resource Intensive: An extensive toolset may demand powerful hardware.


4. Discreete OS 


Found on the Discreete OS Website, it stands out as a Live-only operating system, emphasizing its commitment to privacy and security. 

Operating exclusively from a USB/Disk source, it shares similarities with TAILS by wiping all data and activity logs with each reboot.



  • Anti-Forensic Features: Equipped with features that resist data recovery attempts by authorities or organizations after the system is turned off.
  • Open-Source and Volunteer-Run: Transparent and free from profit motives, allowing anyone with coding expertise to verify its claims.
  • Encrypted Data Storage: Utilizes an encrypted "Cryptobox" to store data securely, accessible only under the protection of Discreete.



  • Live-Only Operation: Limited to running directly from the source (USB/Disk) and cannot be installed, which may restrict certain user preferences.
  • Internet Isolation: While enhancing security, complete isolation from the internet may limit certain functionalities dependent on online access.



5. Qubes OS


Accessible at the Qubes OS Website, it is a noteworthy addition to secure operating systems. 

It must note that its "Live" version is no longer supported; however, users can still run it from USB sticks or external drives by installing the OS. 

For those seeking an anonymizing operating system, Qubes OS is a robust option, offering advanced security features and endorsements from privacy advocates like Edward Snowden.



  • Virtualization: Qubes OS employs virtualization to isolate and compartmentalize various tasks, enhancing security for web browsing, document editing, and banking.
  • Security through Compartmentalization: Ensures that even if one aspect, such as browsing, is compromised, the other aspects and the system remain secure.



  • Discontinued Live Version: Discontinuing the Live version may inconvenience users who prefer this mode of operation.


6. Subgraph OS


Available on Subgraph OS Website, it emerges as a leading anonymous operating system, prioritizing security and user accessibility. 

TOR integration, robust encryption, and anti-exploitation features contribute to its appeal, making it a standout choice for those seeking enhanced privacy.



  • Tor Integration: All system traffic is routed through the Tor network, ensuring heightened anonymity and security.



  • Limited Live Support: Subgraph OS lacks a Live version, requiring installation on external drives for portable usage.


7. Linux Kodachi 


Linux Kodachi, available at DistroWatch and GitHub, is a live OS with robust privacy features. 

Running directly from USB sticks or CD/DVD drives, it integrates Tor and a VPN for enhanced privacy, automated DNS encryption, and numerous pre-installed privacy tools.



  • Live OS: Runnable directly from USB sticks or CD/DVD drives for portability.
  • Tor and VPN Integration: Routes all activities over Tor and a VPN, masking location and browsing activities.



  • UI Complexity: The user interface may present a learning curve for some users.



8. Ipredia OS


Ipredia OS, accessible at the Ipredia OS Website, is an anonymous operating system renowned for its file-sharing capabilities and built-in anonymous networking technologies.



  • Anonymous Networking Technologies: Enables private internet access and automatic protection of online activities.
  • Robust File Sharing: Supports decentralized file-sharing, eliminating the need for a central server.



  • UI and Feature Limitations: There may be limitations in the user interface and overall features compared to other options.


9. Heads OS


An off-the-beaten-path anonymous OS provides a unique approach to privacy and security. While it may not be as mainstream as others, Heads OS stands out for its focus on security practices and privacy-centric design.



  • Trusted Boot Process: Heads prioritize a trusted boot process, ensuring the system's integrity from the early startup stages.
  • Coreboot Compatibility: Utilizes Coreboot, an open-source firmware, enhancing transparency and reducing the risk of firmware-based attacks.



  • Learning Curve: The specialized focus on security features may result in a steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with advanced privacy practices.





TAILS remains the best anonymous operating system, boasting comprehensive features and robust security measures. 

Linux Kodachi and Ipredia OS cater to specific needs within privacy-focused operating systems.

Linux Kodachi excels in live capabilities and advanced security features, emphasizing portability and privacy tools. 

In contrast, Ipredia OS stands out for its emphasis on robust file-sharing capabilities and built-in anonymous networking technologies.


Published at : 27/11/2023

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