
Cocaine Synthesis: The Ultimate Candy Drug Guide For All
Last updated : March 3, 2025

Cocaine Synthesis: The Ultimate Candy Drug Guide For All


Cocaine synthesis has been made easy with this ultimate cocaine drug synthesis guide.


Are you keen enough to know how you can prepare cocaine in your own space and not have to acquire it from any of the best dark web websites? Then, I must tell you that you have landed at the right place and at the right time. In this article, we will explore one of my best and most effective cocaine synthesis processes. That said, the process is very simple and easy to conduct.

So, without much wasting time, let us get into the process real quick.




Cocaine Synthesis


Coca processing can be divided into three phases when you are conducting the cocaine synthesis in the drug module. 

  1. The first stage is the process of converting coca leaves into paste. This process is almost always done near the coca fields to reduce transportation. 
  2. The second stage is the conversion from coca paste to cocaine base. In Colombia, this step is often omitted and the process is directly from paste to coca HCL. 
  3. Lastly, the conversion from base to HCL.

Coca processing takes place primarily in the countries of Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. Peru and Ecuador are the main locations for the leaf-to-paste and to cocaine base-to-HCL conversions. In recent years, it is believed that traffickers in Peru and Bolivia have begun to increase their production of HCL. There are several chemicals that play a vital role in coca processing, including but not limited to:

  • Potentially substitutable chemicals
  • Solvents with legitimate uses
  • Cocaine hydrochloride


Step-By-Step Guide : The Processing Of Cocoa Leaves To Cocoa Paste


The processing of coca leaves into coca paste for cocaine synthesis takes place in a “pozo” or coca paste pit. A coca paste pit (or pozo) is a very primitive structure located near the coca harvesting site. Some paste pits are even found in peasants’ homes. 

A paste pit is a hole in the soil, lined with thick heavy plastic, or a 55 gallon drum, with the top cut off. The paste pits are often near streams so that processors can have a continuous supply of fresh water to use in the processing phase. 

The process of turning leaves into paste usually takes a couple of days. In many cases, the leaves will only be “worked” or “stomped” for a few hours, resulting in less paste than if the leaves had been worked for several days. Sometimes, it’s better to move the paste out rather than getting more paste for every kilo of cocoa leaf. The whole process will take between two to five workers.

This is just one of many recipes you can use to make coca paste. You can also find related or other recipes on the link deepweb. Depending on where you are in the lab, you might not have to use water right away and the amount and time it takes to mix it all up can vary a lot. But it's still a good starting point.


Step 1


Put the coca leaves in a container that's above the ground or in a pit that's lined with plastic. Add some sodium carbonate and water to the leaves. The sodium carbonate helps turn the cocaine alkaloid in the leaves into kerosene.


Step 2


A water-impregnable solvent called kerosene is added to the water, solution, and leaves. The mix is then mixed together. Usually, a few people will stomp on the leaves to mix the mixture. The solvent works to get the water-impregnated cocaine alkaloids out of the alkaline solution.


Step 3


The coca alkaloids are separated from the coca leaves and kerosene. The coca leaves and water are then emptied.



Step 4


The kerosene is extracted from the coca alkaloids and the solution is diluted with H2SO4. The remaining solution is then supplemented with sodium carbonate to form a precipitate. Both the acid and the water are drained from the precipitate. The precipitate is then filtered and dried.

Coca paste, required in cocaine synthesis, is a chunky, powdered-like substance that is light brown to off-white in color. The percentage of cocaine alkaloid and ecgonine in the paste will vary depending on the type and quality of your coca leaf.

For example, if you have 250 pounds of dry coca leaf that you might have acquired from the tor onion websites, you should be able to get about 2.2 pounds of cocoa paste. (This is assuming the leaf has “worked” for a few days.)

Also, make sure that you have adequately researched how to access the dark web safely before you attempt to buy drugs from the top darknet markets.


Step-By-Step Guide : The Processing Of Coca Paste To Cocaine Base


Making cocaine base from coca paste is more complex than making paste, and requires more advanced equipment and skills. You can make cocaine base at a paste facility, but base labs may be far away from the growing areas. Most base labs are close to rivers or have an airfield nearby to move the coca paste into the base lab and the cocaine HCL out. Like paste recipes, base recipes have lots of variations. This one is the most common and follows the paste recipe.


Step 1


Sulfuric and hydrochloric acids are added to the coca paste, and the paste is dissolved in the acid solution.


Step 2


Combine potassium permanganate with water. Add the coca paste to the acid solution. This step uses potassium permanganate to extract additional alkaloids and materials that are undesirable in the final product.

In particular, it is used to break down the alkaloid ciscinnamoylcocaine, which is present in large amounts in E.Novogranatense species. If the coca paste contains a high concentration of ciscinnamidelcocaine and does not use potassium permanganate then it will be very challenging to crystallize cocaine HCL.


Step 3


This mixture is left to reconstitute for approximately 6 hours.


Step 4


Ammonia water (ammonium hydroxide) is added to the filtered solution to form another precipitate. The solution is filtered. The precipitate is then disposed of.


Step 5


The liquid is then removed from the solution, and the remainder of the precipitate is typically dried using heating lamps. The resulting powder is a cocaine base, with a conversion ratio of approximately one to one from the paste to base, i.e., 2.2 pounds of paste yields approximately the same weight of base.

In Colombia, it is common practice to bypass the base stage of cocaine processing by proceeding directly from cocoa paste to cocaine hydrochloride (HCL). This can be achieved by eliminating the last step of step four of cocoa paste processing, and skipping to the cocaine base phase, where the cocoa paste is incorporated into the potassium permanganate solution.



Step-By-Step Guide : The Processing Of Cocaine Base To Cocaine Hydrochloride (HCL)


The last step of cocaine processing is even more complex and requires even more skills and equipment. It is also much more dangerous than the other steps mentioned above. Cocaine HCL processing requires expensive chemicals that are hard to come by and often not produced in the country where the cocaine is processed. If you feel these steps to be too overwhelming, you can buy cocaine or crack from top dark web sites.

The HCL laboratory is typically made up of several buildings, including dorms, dining facilities, an office, storage, and the laboratory itself. Communications equipment, generators and filtering and drying equipment are also common. More recently, chemical recycling facilities have also been added to the HCL laboratory. Most HCL labs will have direct access to airstrips.

The formula below is a combination of the previous two steps. At this stage, the processing methods only slightly differ.


Step 1


The cocaine base is dissolved in either acetone or ether and then filtered to remove unwanted material.


Step 2


Acetone or ether diluted with hydrochloric acid is then added to the solution of cocaine. The hydrochloric acid precipitates (crystallizes) out the solution of cocaine, leaving the HCL to dry.


Step 3


The remaining solvent (acetone/ether) can be disposed of or reused.


Step 4


Heat lamps are used to dry Cocaine HCL; fans are used to dry it; or microwave ovens are used for drying Cocaine HCL. The yield per kilogram (kg) of Cocaine base will depend on the quality and processing efficiency of the coca base, but it should be around 1 pound.



Final Thoughts

Cocaine synthesis can be a complex process if you do not have adequate knowledge in chemistry or how things work out. In that case, you can simply go on .onion web sitesof the popular dark web markets and vendor shops and get yourself some good quality cocaine or boy-girl. However, if you find this guide useful, you can go ahead and synthesize cocaine easily at your home or lab.


Published at : 23/09/2023

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